If you purchased new construction within the last year, this blog entry is for you.
New construction homes should be inspected before the one-year warranty expires. We can identify any errors made by the builder so that you can have the items remedied before you become responsible for the repair expense. These inspections have prevented many small mistakes from becoming large liabilities. Fees vary by the size of home and location. Average fee: $385 Includes:
2 1/2 - 3 hour inspection of your home.
Infrared scanning at all areas of concern.
A very detailed report, loaded with images.
Responses to your follow-up questions via e-mail or phone.
These inspections are particularly effective because you have had the advantage of living in the home for nearly one full year - and have possibly already identified some concerns. Using this data, combined with our observations and findings, you can be confident when you present our finished report to your builder so that all remaining concerns can be properly addressed.
I commonly find issues at these inspections. Click the link to view samples from actual 11-month inspections.